Release Notes (March 2023)
Created by: Dennis Velasco
Last edited:

What's New In Prosperna (March 2023)


  • Sell Digital Products

You can now sell digital products such as ebooks, courses, software, music, and art, among others, in Prosperna.

  • Design Settings

When a user clicks on one drop down, other dropdowns collapse to centralize the modification of settings in each respective section.

  • Customer Lead Listing

You should be able to manage (create, edit, and delete) the leads you have to make it easier to contact them.

  • Logo Enhancement

When you upload an image for your store logo, it auto-resizes to a specific dimension (250x250) without losing its original resolution.

  • Product Roadmap + Updates + Feature Request

  • Favicon Upload

This is an enhancement of the store branding section, which includes the addition of uploading a favicon for the merchant's online store.

  • Ability to Rebook with J&T

To let the merchants rebook the current accepted order from the customer.

  • Training Videos

Merchants can see the training videos in the Get Help page.

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For more information and assistance, please send an email to [email protected] or click here.




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