Release Notes (April 2023)
Created by: Dennis Velasco
Last edited:

What's New In Prosperna (April 2023)


  • Lead Filter

Leads can be filtered by amount, number of order, tags, created date, source, order date and last email.

  • Add an attachment or photo to the Order Details page

Merchants can input image attachments regarding a specific order, and can choose to make it visible to their customers, or for internal purposes only.

  • Customer Support Limited Access

Enable or disable Customer Support Limited Access.

  • Always in Stock

Merchants can have infinite product inventory available for purchase. Available for paid plans only.

  • Dashboard and Reports

This is to help merchants collect the data and transform it into reports that can help them achieve their business goals and set future plans.

  • Page Builder Navigation

Subcategories of Page Builder module—All Pages and Add New Page module. All Pages contains the list default pages that the system will automatically generate once a Merchant account is created in Prosperna. It will also contain the pages that will be created by the Merchant. The Merchant can create a new page by clicking on Add New Page. It will redirect the Merchant to the Page builder. The Add New Page is only for Merchants who are subscribed to a paid plan, and for Merchants who subscribed to the 14-day free trial.

  • Page Builder Themes

Choose a pre-made theme for your online store.

  • Remove SKU in Standard Value

SKU is no longer available in Standard Value.



  • “Store Link” for FREE Plan Users

The current online store in the FREE plan is changed to “store link” which is a single page store catalog with “some” edit capabilities.


  • Add "Comments" to an Order

Merchants can input comments regarding a specific order, and can choose to make it visible to their customers, or for internal purposes only.

  • Enhanced UI of the Consumer Login page

  • Enhance UI of the Consumer Create an Account Page


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