About Manual Shipping
Created by: Ely
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Feature Availability:  ALL PLANS

Delivery is an essential part of having a business. We aim to give our merchants avenues to be able to deliver their customers orders

Why is it important? This is a way for merchants to deliver their products to their customers


About Manual Shipping

1. What is "Manual Shipping"?

"Manual Shipping" means that either you or your customer will book a delivery service outside of our platform. We offer two options: Manual Shipping by Customer or Manual Shipping by Merchant.

2. What is "Manual Shipping by Customer"?

"Manual Shipping by Customer" is a shipping option that allows your customers to arrange and pay for their own delivery service independently of our system. The shipping cost is determined by the delivery service they choose, not by us.

3. How does "Manual Shipping by Merchant" work?

"Manual Shipping by Merchant" allows you to book a delivery service for your customer outside of our system. You set and assign your own shipping rates, so the cost of shipping is based on your rates rather than the customer's choice.

4. Can customers use "Manual Shipping by Customer" if they prefer a specific delivery service?

Yes, customers can select their preferred delivery service and handle payment directly with the delivery provider when using "Manual Shipping by Customer."

5. If I use "Manual Shipping by Merchant," how are shipping rates determined?

With "Manual Shipping by Merchant," you are responsible for setting the shipping rates based on your shipping policies and preferences.

6. Are there any benefits to using "Manual Shipping by Merchant" over "Manual Shipping by Customer"?

Yes, "Manual Shipping by Merchant" provides you with more control over the shipping process and rates. It can be useful if you want to standardize shipping costs or offer specific delivery options to your customers.

7. Can I track shipments with "Manual Shipping by Customer"?

Tracking capabilities depend on the delivery service chosen by the customer. You will need to coordinate with the customer or the delivery service provider for tracking details.

8. What happens if a customer chooses "Manual Shipping by Customer" but the delivery service fails to deliver?

A: Since the customer arranges and pays for their own delivery, they are responsible for resolving any issues with the delivery service. The customer will need to contact the delivery provider for any claims or disputes.


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