Sort Products in Category
Created by: Ely
Last edited:

Feature Availability: ALL PLANS

Having an online store is about placing your business out for the world to see and shop. With eCommerce becoming the norm, it's imperative that merchants sell both online and offline.

Why is it important? Offer convenience for customers by saving their time and effort to purchase from you. Even better, since the catalog is digital, they can easily search for a variety of products while still getting all the relevant information they need to know about it.

Skill Level: Beginner | Advanced | Expert 

How long does it take to do? 2 Minutes 


  1. Products
  2. Categories


  1. Go to Products, select Categories
  2. Select the Category of the Product you want to move
  3. Click Products
  4. Sort the Products

Steps to Sort Products in Category

1. Go to Products, select Categories

2. Select the Category of the Products you want to move

3. Click Products

4. Sort the Products

Drag and drop products to sort them

Results: You have successfully updated product category position


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