About Reports
Created by: Ely
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About Reports

What Are Reports?

Reports are structured documents or summaries that provide detailed insights and data on various business activities. In the context of business management or e-commerce, reports are crucial for monitoring performance, identifying trends, and making informed decisions.

You can download different types of reports, including but not limited to:

1. Sales Reports: Summarize your sales activity, such as total sales and average order value.

2. Order Reports: Provide details on customer orders, such as the number of completed orders, pending orders, and those that are unfulfilled.

3. Unfulfilled Orders Reports: Specifically highlight orders that are pending fulfillment, helping you prioritize and manage your shipping processes.

Filter Options for Reports

When generating reports, you can customize them by applying various filters. These filters make it easier to focus on specific information, such as:

  1. Order Status: Filter reports by order status, such as completed, pending, canceled, or unfulfilled orders.
  2. Payment Method: Narrow down reports based on how customers paid, whether through credit card, COD, e-wallets, or other methods.
  3. Shipping Method: Filter reports by shipping methods used for delivery, such as standard, same day delivery, or manual shipping.
  4. Date Range: Customize reports by selecting specific dates or time periods to analyze trends and activities for that duration.

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